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Police arrest two over violent assault

Mariyam Malsa
14 January 2020, MVT 20:33
Police arrest a man, and take him away in handcuffs. FILE PHOTO/MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
14 January 2020, MVT 20:33

Maldives Police Service, on Tuesday, revealed that two individuals were arrested for violently assaulting a 19-year-old during the early hours of Friday.

The two men, aged 22 and 24, have now been placed under remand by the Criminal Court.

According to the police, the 22-year-old was arrested on January 10 and was remanded for a 5-day period while the latter was arrested on January 12 and remanded for 12 days.

Previously, the police stated that it had received reports of an altercation which occurred in front of Bank of Ceylon in the capital city of Male' at approximately 1230 hrs on Thursday.

However, by the time police officers arrived at the scene, the group had dispersed.

A video of the assault circulating on social media depicts a large group of people attacking and beating the 19-year-old man.

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