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Maldives to host high-level conference on tourism promotion

Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 September 2016, MVT 09:43
Some tourists greeted at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.
Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 September 2016, MVT 09:43

The Maldives announced plans to host a major conference on tourism promotion in the Maldives alongside the nation’s largest forum on improving tourism.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the tourism ministry disclosed that the conference will be held September 27 - 28 on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The conference will proceed in two parts with the first day dedicated to top executives of the tourism sector, while the second will focus on tourism promotion.

“High Level Tourism Industry Forum” will be held on September 27 to exchange ideas between statesmen and top officials of the tourism sector to compile policies on advancement of the tourism industry. The forum will be held in four sessions including environment, travel and transport, and improving human performance.

“Destination Marketing and Promotion Conference” will be held the following day with participation from representatives of resorts and tourism promotion bodies. In what will be the largest conference held in the history of this field, the participants will discuss tourism promotion for the Maldives based on current research and statistics.

The tourism ministry stated that the highest priority of the conference is to discuss and exchange ideas on activities for the Maldives’ tourism promotion campaign in 2017.

International veterans of the tourism field including Public Relations agencies, social media experts and aviation officials will also participate in the conference to share information and experience with local representatives.

Announcement of this tourism conference was heralded by tourism minister Moosa Zameer’s declaration of the government’s efforts to combat the propaganda currently in circulation regarding the Maldives’ tourism industry.

After a temporary slump, the tourism sector is steadily on the rise again. However, the Maldives is currently experiencing a recede in its top tourist market of China.

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