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Shamha breaks national record for 10k meter race in un-documentable mix event

Shamha Ahmed has beaten the Maldives' national record time for finishing the 10,000m race during a mixed event held in Siegberg, Germany.

Hanaan Hussain
22 April 2024, MVT 13:16
Hanaan Hussain
22 April 2024, MVT 13:16

Shamha Ahmed has beaten the Maldives' national record time for finishing the 10,000m race during a mixed event held in Siegberg, Germany.

However, her performance has not been recorded as having beaten the national record. Shamha finished the 10k meter race in 40 minutes and 18.49 seconds.

The current national record holder for this event is Mariyam Abdul Kareem (Mary). She set the record by completing the 10k meter race in 44 minutes and 7 seconds.

Shamha's coach Nasrulla Ahmed said Shamha's record was not accepted as a national record as she set the time during a mixed event.

According to the General Secretary of the Athletics Association Ahmed Munthaqim, there are no rules at present that would allow them to accept records set during mixed-gender events.

"We are trying to have it be considered as a national record," said Munthaqim.

Before competing in Satuday's race, Shamha set a national record on Wednesday after having finished fourth in the 5,000 meter race.

Shamha's performance on Wednesday broke the previous record of 19 minutes and 43.09 seconds by Aminath Jaisha set in 2022, with Shamha's time for the 5k meter race coming up faster with a narrow margin at 19 minutes and 42.45 seconds.

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