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Three Fenaka employees in Kulhudhuhfushi suspended

Mariyath Mohamed
17 April 2024, MVT 11:11
STELCO and Fenaka staff at the Kulhudhuhfushi Fenaka Branch.-- Photo: STELCO
Mariyath Mohamed
17 April 2024, MVT 11:11

Three employees working in Fenaka's Kulhudhuhfushi Branch have been suspended.

Fenaka Managing Director Muaz Mohamed Rasheed told Mihaaru that three staff members had been suspended on Tuesday for a period of 14 days.

These include Assistant Manager Abdul Hameed, who was at the time responsible for the running of the branch, as well as administrative staff and a technician.

The operations of Fenaka Kulhudhuhfushi Branch have been handed over to the previous manager, Mamdhooh, once again.

According to Muaz, the three employees were suspended for a variety of reasons including lack of cooperation at work.

"If we do not find any issues when we investigate the matter, they will be reinstated back to their positions," Muaz explained.

Kulhudhuhfushi has been facing power interruptions for over a month.