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Orphanage employee suspended over minor’s disappearance

15 July 2019, MVT 16:39
‘Kudakudhinge Hiya’ in Vilimale'. PHOTO: KUDAKUDHINGE HIYAA
15 July 2019, MVT 16:39

Minister of Gender, Family and Social Services Shidhatha Shareef stated that a staff member of ‘Kudakudhinge Hiya’ was suspended in relation to the disappearance of Shaim Abdulla.

‘Kudakudhinge Hiya’ is a government-managed orphanage for children under state custody, in the suburb of Villimale’.

At the parliament, Shidhatha declared that Shaim was found in a two-bedroom apartment in the capital city Male’. Mentioning that adults were involved in his disappearance and she stated that investigations will be carried out to ensure that none of the staff at the orphanage responsible.

“We are still investigating how the incident occurred”, she said.

According to police, Shaim was reported missing on June 18. A public announcement for the search was made the following Thursday.

At the time, Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services remained silent about the matter and withheld information about Shaim being under state custody.

The ministry eventually confirmed his disappearance after an order by the Juvenile Court stating that the minor ran away from the orphanage.

Police found the runaway teenager when they forcefully entered a house in capital city Male’ and took him under custody. He is under police custody while related organisations ensure his safety.

The minister admitted that Shaim was unsupervised at the orphanage.

The ministry stated that the boy was taken into state care from an “environment of crime” to conduct further assessments.