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Dhiraagu sets stellar example in supporting the revival of old traditions

Over the past month, Maldives celebrated the occasions of Ramadan and Eid with a marked and joyful return to the customs of our past. Dhiraagu is one company that has set a beautiful example in supporting the revival of ancient traditions in Maldives.

Hanaan Hussain
22 April 2024, MVT 13:14
Dhiraagu kite fest 2024 / Roadha Photo
Hanaan Hussain
22 April 2024, MVT 13:14

Whether it be by creating a vibrant space on social media, exchanging traditional tiffin meals with their signature "thashibari" movement, or through the sharing of Eid gifts and traditional dishes, Dhiraagu has set the bar as a company committed to the revival of communal celebratory traditions in the Maldives. As we closed out Ramadan and Eid-al-Fitr celebrations this year, efforts by Dhiraagu helped bring to life some old customs held by the Maldivian communities in a stellar example of commitment to the nation's rich history and unique identity.

Dhiraagu delivers many activities and events every year during the month of Ramadan and Eid to revive the beautiful traditions and customs of an olden-day Maldives. One of the most notable events by the company during the month of Ramadan is their viral "thashibari" movement, which helps people share the joy from one household to the other through the sharing of food. This is a practice that was very common in the Maldives during the 80s and 90s, where families would share meals prepared in their homes with neighbors in time for breaking fast during Ramadan. Dhiraagu initiated their "thashibari" movement in 2018 as the first corporate to support such an endeavor, and now many companies in the Maldives are following in their footsteps to do the same. While different corporations launched their own "thashibari" initiatives for Ramadan this year, many government officials and members of the public came out to show support for Dhiraagu's "thashibari" movement.


The most exciting event organized by Dhiraagu for Ramadan this year was the "Gudi Fest" held in the Greater Malé Area and other islands of the Maldives. The event involved reviving the long-standing Maldivian tradition of flying kites competitively during Ramadan in the evenings before Maghrib prayer. The culture of flying kites in the Maldives is a joyful one that fosters togetherness within the community, which is what Dhiraagu supported by gifting free kites to children so they could experience the activity first-hand. Dhiraagu's "Gudi Fest" was well received by many, with 2024 marking the second year that the company has organized such an event.

Dhiraagu kite fest 2024 / Roadha Photo

Dhiraagu also distributed Eid Boakibaa to celebrate the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr in 2024. The event held after Eid prayers was focused on reviving the tradition of having the traditional boakibaa for breakfast on Eid day. The spirit of Eid is especially interwoven with a culture of exchanging gifts, and so Dhiraagu also chose to distribute Eid gifts to children in order to revive the tradition among local families.


Dhiraagu has set an exemplary benchmark in supporting the revival of ancient Maldivian traditions, with the company's efforts having been welcomed by many people. As Dhiraagu is a very large company which was the first telecom service provider in Maldives, their efforts to celebrate and revive traditions from Maldives' past will reach a large audience and encourage members of society to join them in rekindling those habits within our communities.

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