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Former presidents speak out in defence of opposition lawmaker

Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 July 2017, MVT 13:52
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (R) shakes hands with his lawmaker son Faris Maumoon PHOTO:Hussain Waheed/Mihaaru
Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 July 2017, MVT 13:52

Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed on Tuesday spoke out in defence of opposition lawmaker, Faris Maumoon, describing him as strong and fearless in the face of adversity after Police commenced a raid on the latter’s residence.

Police is currently raiding Dhiggaru MP Faris’ residence with a court order accusing the lawmaker of offering bribes to gain votes for the opposition lobbied motion of no confidence against Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

Speaking to local television channel Raajje TV amidst the raid, former President Maumoon declared that his son Faris is “with the people” and expressed his assurance that MP Faris is working to serve the nation and its people.

“He is knows it well himself and, thus, his determination and strength will not be shaken,” declared Maumoon as he asserted that MP Faris has not engaged in any unlawful acts. The former president guaranteed that there is no evidence or proof of MP Faris being involved in bribery.

Meanwhile, former President Mohamed Nasheed described MP Faris as “strong, smart, tenacious” and said that the lawmaker will not be intimidated.

He added that President Abdulla Yameen is “highlighting his desperation by going after his own nephew”.

His words were acknowledged by former President Maumoon added that the opposition coalition is not working against a specific body but solely for reform. He stated that the reform movement was made necessary to ensure the rights of the people in the face of the government’s recent egregious actions. Speaking in support of his fellow politicians involved in the reform movement, he encouraged them to remain undeterred despite obstructions, saying that they will succeed in their endeavours with God’s will.

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