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More than 500 complaints submitted over voters list

24 June 2023, MVT 17:39
Vice President of the Elections Commission Ismail Habeeb speaks at a press conference -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
24 June 2023, MVT 17:39

More than 500 complaints have been submitted to the Elections Commission (EC) regarding the published list of eligible voters for the upcoming presidential elections.

Vice President of the Commission Ismail Habeeb tweeted that the Commission received a total of 551 complaints regarding the list of eligible voters. He said that the Commission will address and respond to these complaints within the next four days.

Habeeb said that complainants will have the right to submit their case to the High Court if they are dissatisfied with the Elections Commission's response. He said that the window to submit complaints will close once the final list of eligible voters is published. Habeeb highlighted that those whose names are not on the final voters list will not be able to cast their vote in the upcoming election.

The Elections Commission has announced a re-registration period from July 16 to August 5 for individuals who wish to vote in a location other than their home island.