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Industrious workers are the key to our success: President Muizzu

"The biggest contributors to the development of the Maldives and the advancement it is seeing in various areas are, without doubt, the industrious workers," President Muizzu said.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 May 2024, MVT 13:12
Mariyath Mohamed
01 May 2024, MVT 13:12

In his address on International Workers' Day, President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has appreciated the sincere efforts of workers, indicating that industrious workers are the key to the nation's success.

"The biggest contributors to the development of the Maldives and the advancement it is seeing in various areas are, without doubt, the industrious workers. Without the service of these workers day and night, none of the hopes we hold for this nation's future will be realized," the President said.

In his address, the President highlighted a number of things that the administration is currently undertaking, as well as main areas of concern that need to be addressed.

President Muizzu said that one of the biggest concerns he had from when he first assumed office is the large number of due payments from the government left unpaid to several private companies and individuals. He stated that state owned enterprises owed over MVR 9000 million in bills and debt, in addition to which there were several thousands of millions in debt from ministries and other government entities. He said that this resulted in delays in issuing salaries to employees of many companies, inability to cover operational costs, and ultimately driving the country's economy into a pit.

He assured that it is a top priority of the government at present to issue these due payments to industrious private companies and individuals as much as is possible based on State revenue, and to clear all debts as soon as possible. To complete payment of the several million owed to fishermen and protect this vital economic sector.

The President then went on to speak about the retirement age. He said that instead of being forced to retire at the age of 65, workers will now be able to continue serving in the government until the age of 75. Additionally, persons who have previously worked in the Civil Service and then left for various reasons will be given the opportunity to resume work. The President further said that inclusion for disabled persons is an integral part of the system, and it is being ascertained that they are being employed in appropriate work with fair remuneration.

Day Care Centers are also to be established, in order to provide ease for families to earn sufficiently to be able to lead a dignified life.

Government employees are currently being given salary increments and other allowances, as well as being offered training opportunities, the President noted.

The government is also facilitating the provision of soft loans and establishing markets for start up businesses to better establish themselves.

Twenty two areas have been determined where only Maldivians can be employed. President Muizzu said that efforts have now commenced to identify persons breaking this law, and if a foreigner is found to be working against the law, they will be deported within 48 hours, paving the way to bring an end to illegal businesses being run by foreigners inside the country.

The President declared that larger issues such as this, which have been turned a blind eye to for extended periods of time, can only be solved through time and through persevering in implementing the law without interruption.

President Muizzu then went on to say that the economic sector will be further broadened, with special priority being given in his five year term to bring in and make new investments. This includes expanding tourism, fisheries, agriculture, transshipment services and transport services. He asserted that each of these endeavours would increase revenue, and alongside that, bring in new opportunities for employment.

The President stated that there is a hopeful and bright future for workers in the Maldives, with the government aiming to fulfil these initiatives within these five years.

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