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HPA confirms infection linked to contagious norovirus outbreak

Malika Shahid
29 July 2023, MVT 14:55
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital: The most common symptoms of norovirus is vomiting and diarrhea
Malika Shahid
29 July 2023, MVT 14:55

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has attributed the ongoing outbreak of vomiting and diarrhea to the highly contagious norovirus infection known for its rapid and easy transmission.

Symptoms of norovirus infection include frequent vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, abdominal pain, and weakness. This illness is also referred to as "stomach flu".

According to the Health Protection Agency (HPA), the norovirus spreads rapidly, particularly in enclosed or crowded spaces.

Symptoms of norovirus infection typically appear between 12 and 48 hours after the virus enters the body.

According to health experts, the duration of norovirus infection in the body is relatively short. Typically, the virus remains present in the body for about 24 to 60 hours.

In the past two to three days, hospitals have reported a significant surge in the number of patients seeking medical attention for the disease. According to reports, the majority of these patients are children who have been admitted for treatment.

Precautionary measures

● Avoid crowded places

● Frequent handwashing with soap and water

● Refrain from participating in food preparation for at least 24 hours after the symptoms of the virus have completely disappeared

● Use hand sanitizer

● Maintain distance with symptomatic individuals

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