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NCA affirms commitment to open Olympus cinema complex in September

Mohamed Rehan
23 July 2022, MVT 08:28
The cinema was in a rundown condition prior to its closure during 2020 Covid-19 pandemic--
Mohamed Rehan
23 July 2022, MVT 08:28

After a two-year closure of the primary cinema complex for local movie screening; the Olympus cinema avenue is reportedly getting a reopening, reports National Center for the Arts (NCA).

The main Maldivian cinema was forced to shutdown amid the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020.

Following closure, the cinema went under a major renovation which commenced in March 2022.

NCA confirms the renovation works has entered its second phase. The authority's affirmation comes amid growing complaints by fervent cinema-goers.

In a statement on Thursday, July 21, the authority attests to multiple renovation and reconstruction works at ongoing capacity, contracted to various third-party contractors and developers.

Moreover, NCA adds completion of several renovation components with incomplete and prospective components will start once contractors are appointed for the tasks through bid evaluations.

Delays in project completion has been attributed to the surge in the cost and duties of construction-related imports owing to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

The geopolitical clash between the two countries have placed several economical constraints, and the loss of equilibrium in the demand and supply chain at a global scale.

NCA in their statement, addresses hopefulness to open the cinema complex in September.

Meanwhile, Maldives parliament is expected to summon the Minister of Heritage and Arts Yumna Maumoon to inquire about the delays in the project.