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Former PG Muhuthaz appointed Criminal Justice Advisor to the President

Following his defeat in the PPM/PNC parliamentary primaries, former Prosecutor General Muhuthaz Muhusin has been appointed today as the Criminal Justice Advisor to the President.

Malika Shahid
30 January 2024, MVT 15:24
Muhuthaz meets with President Dr Mohamed Solih during the presidential election campaign
Malika Shahid
30 January 2024, MVT 15:24

Former Prosecutor General Muhuthaz Muhusin has been appointed as the Criminal Justice Advisor to President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

Confirmed his appointment, Muhuthaz said that he would work in the President's Office to advise President Muizzu on matters related to the criminal justice system.

Muhuthaz, who also served as a Criminal Court judge, was appointed as the Criminal Justice Advisor following his defeat in the Progressive Party of Maldives and People's National Congress (PPM/PNC) primary elections held last Saturday to determine candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections. Muhuthaz contested the primary for the Dhangethi constituency.

Along with Muhuthaz, the President's Office currently has four advisors. They are Special Advisor to President Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Principal Advisor to the President on Trade and Investment Mohamed Ali Janah, and Advisor to the President on Tourism Development Mohamed Khaleel.