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Abdul Raheem alleges Jameel is exploiting Yameen

Mohamed Rehan
27 November 2023, MVT 08:16
PNC Chairperson and Special Advisor to President Abdul Raheem Abdulla; the leader of PPM/PNC coalition's activities alleged Dr. Jameel was exploiting former President Abdulla Yameen's current vulnerabilities-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
27 November 2023, MVT 08:16

People’s National Congress (PNC) Chairperson Abdul Raheem Abdulla has alleged that the former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, who is the lead attorney of former President Abdulla Yameen, is exploiting the emotional vulnerabilities of the former President.

Abdul Raheem alleged Jameel is taking advantage of Yameen’s current mental state. He said that the former President has been depressed due to spending a significant portion of the past five years in prison to serve his 11-year sentence.

The PNC Chairperson, who is also the Special Advisor of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, made the remarks in a special interview with Mihaaru News after Yameen announced his decision to leave Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) on Saturday evening, November 25, to form his new party.

Due to his criminal conviction on charges of money laundering and graft, Yameen is both legally and publicly represented by his lead attorney Jameel, and Jameel’s nephew and former minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamaal.

While most of the allegations and criticism from Jameel have been directed at Abdul Raheem, the PNC Chairperson responded stating Jameel harbored enmity towards Yameen. He said the former Vice President was manipulating Yameen, taking advantage of the former President’s emotional vulnerabilities.

Abdul Raheem further said that Jameel was a key conspirator behind Yameen’s presidential defeat in 2018, adding he had a significant contribution in Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) success in the election.

“After Jameel was sacked as Yameen’s Vice President, he became the leader of the opposition’s political activities. He spoke ill about Yameen to the media while he was living in the UK. So, when the very people behind Yameen’s downfall are now advocating on his behalf, it becomes difficult for us to believe that their intentions are honest,” Abdul Raheem questioned Jameel’s motive.

Abdul Raheem further alleged that Yameen was motivated to abandon PPM and form his own party on the influence of self-centered political allies.

“Yameen has spent the past five years in confinement. You would know what despair and anguish is if someone keeps you locked in for more than two years, and when Yameen is in such a vulnerable situation, Jameel and Maleeh are exploiting this vulnerability. That is what is transpiring right now,” Abdul Raheem added.

“When they failed to acquire political positions in Dr. Muizzu’s government, they began manipulating Yameen to become the primary obstacle to President Muizzu. Everyone knows how two-faced Jameel is.”

Abdul Raheem further said that the current administration will not entertain any attempts by Jameel to exploit Yameen for his personal motivations, adding that Dr. Muizzu’s team shared a stronger camaraderie than to fall victim to such political ploys.

Jameel eyed PPM’s Ticket

The PNC leader further alleged Yameen remained in jail due to Jameel, and alleged the former VP had deliberately stalled efforts for Yameen’s release since he was attempting to secure PPM’s ticket to contend in the presidential election. Abdul Raheem also said Jameel had delayed Yameen’s appeal to the High Court to secure his presidential ticket.

“They had told me that the appeal would be submitted within 72 hours from the court’s order, so why was it delayed for two months, for what reason?” Abdul Raheem questioned.

“Jameel was aiming to secure PPM’s ticket in the presidential race after blocking the option for Yameen. But he failed in this when someone else received the opportunity. Right now, they are projecting the frustration of losing their presidential race bet.”

Abdul Raheem further said that Jameel had visited Yameen in prison on the date of Dr. Muizzu’s candidacy submission to the Elections Commission (EC). But Jameel was unable to meet Yameen in person and had to contact him through a call.

“When someone who has been hungry for power does not get the opportunity, you can imagine their frustration. Now he has resorted to making accusations against others. It only goes to show their level of pettiness.”

The PNC Chairperson further said he does not believe Dr. Jameel or Maleeh Jamaal should be appointed to top ministerial positions in every successive government, and it was the president’s discretion to appoint trusted allies as his cabinet members.

“How can Dr. Muizzu work cohesively with Jameel? Jameel had tried everything at his disposal to block Dr. Muizzu succeeding as the next president,” Abdul Raheem added.

Abdul Raheem, who had been a close ally of Yameen, also denied the allegations by Jameel that the PNC Chairperson was ignoring the former President.

According to Abdul Raheem, Yameen had not contacted either Dr. Muizzu or him since he was transferred under house arrest. “That is a blatant lie,” Abdul Raheem responded to Jameel’s recent statement.

He further said that current Minister of Fisheries Ahmed Shiyam and Minister of Defense Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon, both PPM members, had communicated with Yameen until recently. Abdul Raheem further clarified that Shiyam had continued to work at PPM’s party office even now.

“But since [Yameen] has not contacted me, I have not called him. He has not messaged me, so I have not as well,” he added.

In his reasoning, Abdul Raheem said that due to their relationship’s deterioration, he had avoided contacting the former President. He said that he did not see any reason to contact Yameen first.

Additionally, the PNC Chairperson noted that a delegation of five members from the PPM/PNC coalition met with Yameen to discuss about the parliamentary election. The team had included PNC Vice President Ibrahim Shujau, Shiyam, Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef, and Mahibadhoo MP Ahmed Thoriq.

“The members said Yameen had agreed to joint efforts by the parties in the parliamentary election. So, I believe their discussions proceeded,” Abdul Raheem added.

Though Yameen exited PPM recently, Abdul Raheem said it would not hinder the efforts of the ruling coalition and noted that PPM/PNC would be contending for the upcoming parliamentary election together.

While acknowledging that Dr. Muizzu secured votes due to Yameen’s endorsement, Abdul Raheem said that the citizens had chosen the manifesto and administration of Dr. Muizzu.