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Maldives, China discuss declining tourist numbers

Nafaahath Ibrahim
11 February 2018, MVT 17:17
Meeting with Chinese ambassador and tourism minister
Nafaahath Ibrahim
11 February 2018, MVT 17:17

Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer and Chinese ambassador for Maldives H.E. Zhang Lizhong has met to discuss the declining number of tourists to Maldives after the government declared a state of emergency on February 5.

In a tweet by Maldives Marketing and Public and Relations (MMPRC), it said that discussions were about the potential impacts of the recent decline in Chinese tourists.

In addition to the tourism minister, Island Aviation’s managing director Abdul Haaris and MMPRC’s actin managing director Haarish Mohamed took part in the meeting.

The tourism ministry had not shared any details of the discussions held on Sunday.

After China had advised their tourists against travelling to Maldives due to declaration of state of emergency, many guests have canceled their booking to resorts, guest houses and safaris.

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