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Zakiyya's death: "Throat was slit, not self-inflicted"

Residents of Noonu atoll Holhudhoo have staged a protest yesterday claiming that the death of Zakiyya Moosa cannot have been suicide, and demanding justice in the case.

Mariyath Mohamed
26 November 2024, MVT 09:37
Mariyath Mohamed
26 November 2024, MVT 09:37

Residents of Noonu atoll Holhudhoo have staged a protest yesterday claiming that the death of Zakiyya Moosa cannot have been suicide, and demanding justice in the case.

Zakiyya Moosa, 50, was found dead in her residence with major wounds, especially to her throat on September 10.

Police have not made any arrests in the case, no released any information about the investigation.

Protesters claimed yesterday that when Zakiyya was found, her throat had been slit, insisting that it cannot have been self-inflicted.

Some witnesses who had seen Zakiyya's body also spoke at the demonstration. They said that Zakiyya had been nearly decapitated, raising questions if a person could inflict that level of injury upon themselves.

"We are talking about an inhumane death. As someone who saw it with my own eyes, I am saying her throat was slit. Just that it was barely attached. Almost decapitated," a protester said, responding to claims that Zakiyya suffered from mental health issues and had taken her own life.

The protest, themed 'Not self-inflicted', was held because residents do not accept that it had been suicide. Many residents from Holhudhoo joined in the protest.

Some even pointed fingers at Zakiyya's husband, though Police have not so far announced any suspects in the case. Protesters dropped leaflets near Zakiyya's husband's house, accusing him of being involved.

One concern of residents is, if the killer remains uncaught, then they remain free within the community.

At the time of Zakiyya's death, a special team of investigators from Police had gone to the island. Zakiyya's body had also been brought to Male' for further examination. However, no post mortem was conducted.

Police have not made any comments regarding this case and the investigation appears to be ongoing even two months since the death.

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