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Charges pressed against Admins of Telegram channels running illicit activities

Three individuals have been charged in relation to the case of crime networks being conducted via Telegram channels titled 'Jazeera'.

Mariyath Mohamed
12 June 2024, MVT 19:11
Image changed after police seized the Telegram channel in question.
Mariyath Mohamed
12 June 2024, MVT 19:11

Three individuals have been charged in relation to the case of crime networks being conducted via Telegram channels titled 'Jazeera'.

Illegal activities that the channels were involved in include drug dealing, money laundering and prostitution.

Police seized the telegram channels and groups that had been operating since April last year, and arrested two individuals - a married couple - on March 6.

Prosecutor General's Office said today that they have submitted to the Criminal Court on June 3 to press charges against three individuals who had been behind the user 'Jazeera Admin' on various channels on the Telegram application and had engaged in selling illegal drugs, promoting prostitution, selling banned drugs, sharing pornographic images and video.

From the three individuals, Ibrahim Rasheed, Male' register no. RS 12966 has four charges against him including money laundering and colluding in running prostitution.

The remaining two are Nishani Ali, Redhinge, Thaa Atoll Veymandhoo, and Aisar Naseem, Veleege, Gaafu Dhaalu Rathafandhoo. These two individuals also have four charges against each, including money laundering and promoting drug abuse.

The PG Office further said they they had appealed to the court to seize approximately MVR 9.5 million that these individuals have collected through committing these crimes.

The money laundering charges are in relation to these persons having rolled the said funds in different amounts through various bank accounts and laundering it.

Police earlier said that these Telegram groups, when seized, had over 7000 subscribers including both foreigners and locals.

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