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Volleyball elections postponed and applications open again

The Volleyball Association of Maldives (VAM) election has been rescheduled to March 26.

Malika Shahid
19 March 2024, MVT 16:44
Participants of the VAM congress
Malika Shahid
19 March 2024, MVT 16:44

The previous announcement regarding the Volleyball Association of Maldives (VAM) election has been canceled, and the election has been rescheduled to March 26.

VAM announced elections for the President and the other eight positions on the Executive Committee (Exco) for the remaining one year of VAM's current term on March 3. The names of the candidates were announced by the association on March 10.

The election, originally scheduled to be held five days later, was postponed to March 19 during the congress held on March 11.

The announcement regarding the cancellation of the election was made yesterday. Commissioner of Sports Mohamed Tholal stated that the decisions made by the VAM would not be accepted.

Tholal asked the Olympic Committee and Sports Council to meet with the current VAM Exco and urged them to postpone the election until arrangements are made. With VAM not participating in the meeting, Tholal said on Wednesday that he would not accept the decisions related to the election.

Last night, Tholal announced that the VAM has now re-announced the election after resolving the concerns.

The deadline for application is now March 24, Sunday, 14:00hrs.

In the previously announced election, one candidate contested for each post. Mohamed Lateef, the former President of the association, ran for a second term. The post fell vacant after Mohamed Raneesh, who won the Presidency in the April 2021 elections, resigned last month.

According to Article 22(b) of the new VAM regulations, if only one candidate applies for a position, they will be elected automatically. The VAM Exco, according to the regulations, will consist of 15 members. The six current members of the Exco will retain their positions, while nominations have been opened for the remaining nine positions on the Exco.

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