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WHO donates Monkeypox test kits to Maldives government

Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2022, MVT 15:55
The handover ceremony of the Real-Time PCR test kits for monkeypox between Maldives government and World Health Organization (WHO)-- Photo: Ministry of Health
Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2022, MVT 15:55

World Health Organisation (WHO) donates a total of 250 PCR test kits to counter the widely spreading "monkeypox" pandemic.

The global organisation earlier declared health emergency following the viral pandemic outbreak.

Maldives Ministry of Health confirms receiving the test kits, and adds they were attempting to acquire additional test kits with WHO's support.

The state body attests additional kits will arrive within the following week.

Health bodies and hospitals are vigil over cases suspected to be monkeypox with active investigations. The ministry further confirms being up to speed to conduct possible contact tracing if and when necessary.

A virtual training for laboratory staff of health institutions in the Maldives are expected on Monday, August 1, to get them attuned for the specific PCR testing to assess presence for monkeypox.

Post training, tests will be conducted to assess presence of the virus from suspected cases.

Last week, an individual who suspected of carrying the virus was tested. The individual had tested negative for monkeypox.

Health Protection Agency (HPA) confirms they were geared up with counter measures if or when the pandemic reaches Maldives, despite limited resources at the time.

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