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Maldivian expands distribution network with Amadeus

National flag carrier Maldivian Aero, in efforts to expand its distribution network, has signed an agreement with Amadeus Global Distribution System (Amadeus GDS).

Ameera Osmanagic
30 July 2024, MVT 09:23
[File] Maldivian's latest ATR additions to the fleet -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
30 July 2024, MVT 09:23

National flag carrier Maldivian Aero, in efforts to expand its distribution network, has signed an agreement with Amadeus Global Distribution System (Amadeus GDS).

Additionally, Maldivian has also participated in the International Air Transport Association (IATA)'s billing and settlement plan (BSP).

Maldivian said that BPS travel agents accredited by IATA in India will be issued e-tickets for Maldivian flights on the Amadeus GDS platform with the Q2-986 ticket plate. Comprehensive access will also be available to all BPS-accredited travel agents in India starting from 14th of next month, the airline said.

According to the company, this partnership is designed to increase the ease and convenience of the airline's passengers and travel trade partners. The agreement will also streamline ticketing and distribution processes, ease travel between India and Maldives, and would facilitate better offers for air travel between the two countries, Maldivian said.

Maldivian's acting Chief Commercial Officer Ismail Amrah Umar said that increasing the airline's distribution capacity with Amadeus GDS and IATA's BSP would bring a significant ease to its partners and customers. This would also expand the airline's operations and provide more opportunities for both the airline and its customers, he said.

Currently Maldivian operates to three areas of India with a total frequency of 13 flights per week. This includes four flights to Cochin, five trips to Trivandrum and two trips to Bangalore from Velana International Airport (VIA). Another two trips are also made to India's Trivandrum from Hanimaadhoo every week.

Maldivian said that tickets to all these destinations can be purchased via the GDS and that travel agents can purchase tickets to all 17 airports of Maldives which the airline operates to.

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