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First Lady inaugurates MOMS Expo 2019

Mariyam Malsa
05 October 2019, MVT 13:39
Moms expo
Mariyam Malsa
05 October 2019, MVT 13:39

First Lady Fazna Ahmed on Friday inaugurated MOMS Expo 2019 at Billabong International School in the capital city of Male'.

Organised by local non-profit organisation MOMS, the two-day exhibition targets female entrepreneurs.

During her speech at the inaugurary ceremony, First Lady Fazna Ahmed called on all mothers to choose environmentally-friendly methods and practices while raising and educating their children.

She highlighted that every individual could play a role in protecting the environment and that all mothers should set examples by preventing wastage.

The First Lady emphasised the importance of empowering women, noting the crucial role MOMS played in providing assistance to mothers, expectant mothers and women preparing for motherhood, pariticularly victims of domestic violence.

The First Lady also inaugurated the 'Family to Family Fund' at the function.

MOMS Expo is the largest women and mother entrepreneurs' exhibition held in the country, allowing female business women to showcase their business and connect with the public.

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