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PNC postpones internal elections to November

Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications before 18:00 hrs on October 24.

Malika Shahid
28 September 2024, MVT 15:10
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu greeting party members during a PNC meeting -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
28 September 2024, MVT 15:10

Ruling party, People's National Congress (PNC), has postponed its internal elections to November 9.

The party had previously scheduled the election to be held on October 19.

The party announced in a statement yesterday that the deadline for submitting applications has also been extended to October 25 to encourage greater participation.

PNC internal elections will be held to elect;

- Presidents and Vice Presidents of constituencies

- Presidents of Youth Movement and Women's Movement is islands

- Steering committee members

Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications before 18:00 hrs on October 24.

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