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Man arrested for stealing tourists' bag, selling contents

An individual has been arrested for stealing a bag from some tourists, and selling valuable contents in the bag.

Mariyath Mohamed
29 September 2024, MVT 14:17
Mariyath Mohamed
29 September 2024, MVT 14:17

An individual has been arrested for stealing a bag from some tourists, and selling valuable contents in the bag.

Police said that they had received a report last night that a bag forgotten by two Chinese tourists and left on Boduthakurufaanu Magu had gone missing.

They said that efforts by Galolhu Police had resulted in the bag being found within three hours.

The person arrested in this case is Zabeeh Mohamed, of Ranfaru, Gaafu Dhaalu Thinadhoo.

Police said that the contents of the bag included a laptop, hard drive, power bank, passports and other things.

Some of these had been recovered after it had been sold on.

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