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Expat workers in islands to require additional permits

Minister Ihusaan said that there would be no additional fees for expatriate workers in islands to obtain the permit and that the process can be completed through the existing system after registering or online through the City Council.

Malika Shahid
19 June 2024, MVT 10:23
[File] Expatriate workers
Malika Shahid
19 June 2024, MVT 10:23

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan said that expatriates employed on islands will be required to obtain an additional permit from the islands where they are working.

In a tweet on social media platform X, Minister Ihusaan said that there would be no additional fees to obtain the permit. The process can be completed through the existing system after registering or online through the City Council.

"This implementation is part of the three year plan to resolve the entire issue of undocumented migrant workers," Ihusaan said.

Councils are required to maintain a register to keep track of migrant workers employed on islands. However, as this is not being implemented properly, Ihusaan has previously stated that work is being done to develop a better online system to identify foreigners by collecting their biometrics.