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MFDA bans an antiemetic for containing hazardous chemicals

Mariyath Mohamed
28 November 2023, MVT 09:26
Sale of this antiemetic has been discontinued.
Mariyath Mohamed
28 November 2023, MVT 09:26

Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) has placed a ban on the sale of an antiemetic sold in pharmacies across Maldives due to the discovery that it contains two hazardous chemicals.

An alert issued by the MFDA on Monday states that as per Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, Emidone Suspension 1mg/1ml (Generic name: Domperidone) manufactured by the country's Pharmix Laboratories is found to have harmful chemicals diethylene glycol (DEG) and ethylene glycol (EG).

MFDA announced that henceforth the import, sale and use of any batch of the medicine is banned in the Maldives.

"Importing this medicine for personal use through prescriptions is also banned. All suppliers of this medicine are advised to currently dispose of this medicine in your stocks according to the set guidelines," the alert reads.

MFDA has previously banned another product from the same company earlier this month. Alergo brand cetrizine was also banned for containing the same two harmful chemicals.

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