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Court prohibits outbound travel for Kudagiri lagoon capsizing vessel

Mohamed Rehan
10 October 2023, MVT 17:22
justice building criminal court
Mohamed Rehan
10 October 2023, MVT 17:22

Civil Court has issued a prohibition of travel on the vessel that capsized on Kudagiri lagoon.

The vessel, AM MSV Mariya Sinthayathirai Riyana capsized on Kudagiri lagoon in January 2023. Following the incident, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) imposed a fine of MVR 3 million on the vessel's proprietor.

EPA filed a lawsuit in civil court over the vessel's failure to pay the fine, and sought a travel ban on it.

Civil Court on Friday, October 6 issued the order banning the vessel from leaving Maldives until the case concluded.

The order further prohibited bringing any modifications to the vessel or any circumstance that would lead to a third-party ownership of it.

EPA reported damages to an area of 130 square kilometers of Kudagiri lagoon as a result of the capsizing.

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