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Kerala is a drug hub for Maldives: SEES

Raif Amyl Jalyl
01 August 2019, MVT 16:54
India Vizhinjam port in Kerala.
Raif Amyl Jalyl
01 August 2019, MVT 16:54

An administrative institution in Kerala, India, the State Excise Enforcement Squad (SEES) revealed on Thursday that the Indian state emerged as a gateway hub for hashish produced in Andhra Pradesh farms to be trafficked into Maldives.

Indian media The Hindu reported that investigators recently seized 21kg of hashish from Palakkad on Wednesday that they believe was intended to be exported into Maldives.

SEES elaborated that they identified a cargo agency that exports provisions to Maldives as suspicious following the seizure of 11kg of hashish from the son of a prominent restaurateur in Thiruvananthapuram in 2018. Investigations are currently underway into the agency.

The cargo agency proclaimed to supply Maldives with fruits and vegetables through Vizhinjam port.

Upon police conducting a sting operation, the restaurant and the cargo agency was found to be a front for drug trafficking into Maldives. SEES revealed that the owners had surmised the sting operation and closed down their businesses.

According to the Hindu, SEES notified Maldives' Ports and airport authorities to be on alert for smugglers transporting cargo with hashish concealed as sheets in false cavities inside the cardboard packaging.

SEES further warned that perpetrators smuggle illicit substances concealed in vehicle doors, fuel tanks, tires and other components to different locations in India.

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