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Govt seeks parties to develop and run three mid-range hotels in Hulhumalé 2

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) yesterday announced seeking parties to develop and manage three mid-range hotels in the integrated tourism zone's urban isle of Hulhumalé Phase 2.

Ameera Osmanagic
16 August 2024, MVT 10:33
Mock-ups of the hotels to be developed in the urbal isle of Hulhumalé Phase 2's integrated tourism zone --
Ameera Osmanagic
16 August 2024, MVT 10:33

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) yesterday announced seeking parties to develop and manage three mid-range hotels in the integrated tourism zone's urban isle of Hulhumalé Phase 2.

In the announcement, HDC revealed that the opportunity to submit expressions of interest (EOI) is now available for parties who are interested in the project, and that they would prioritise parties who want to work on a land lease model, although EOIs for other models are also welcome.

The company further said that if more than one party expresses interest in the project, then the project would be awarded to the most complete proposal. Factors considered in the evaluations of EOIs include proposed business model, operator experience as well as CSR.

Interested parties are urged to send in their EOIs by email before 14:00 hrs of 29th August, 2024 to [email protected]

The plan to develop buildings dedicated for economic activity in the urban isle of Hulhumalé's tourism zone was announced some time ago. The commercial area being developed there is to provide the services required by tourism boutiques and hotels, with some places already in the process of being developed.

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