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Met Office issues White Alert for entire Maldives

Maldives Meteorological Service (Met Office) has today issued a White Alert for the entire Maldives.

Mariyath Mohamed
29 April 2024, MVT 10:31
Flooding in Male'.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
29 April 2024, MVT 10:31

Maldives Meteorological Service (Met Office) has today issued a White Alert for the entire Maldives.

The White Alert is issued from 07:00hrs until 12:00hrs at noon today and heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected with gusts of 35 mph.

After days of high temperatures, yesterday saw rain in various areas of Maldives. As per the statistics shared by the Met Office, the heaviest rain in the past 24 hours was in Baa atoll Goidhoo with 81mm rainfall recorded.

Shaviyani atoll Funadhoo, Alif Alif atoll Thohdoo and Himandhoo, Alif Dhaalu atoll Maamigili and Laamu atoll Kahdhoo all experienced over 50mm of rainfall.

Yesterday's rainfall caused flooding in some islands, with a number of residences facing damage as a result.

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