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Universal Foundation's "Discover Hospitality" awards internships

Mohamed Rehan
09 October 2022, MVT 17:49
Universal Foundation "Discover Hospitality" program students receive internship certificate-- Photo: Nishan Ali
Mohamed Rehan
09 October 2022, MVT 17:49

Students of Universal Foundation "Discover Hospitality" batch four students receive internships.

The students completed their academic course at Villa College, run in collaboration with the foundation.

Graced by Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail as the chief guest, the convocation ceremony was attended by seniors of both Universal Foundation and Villa College, in addition to students of Discover Hospitality.

Certificate of internship was awarded to 40 students under "Discover Hospitality" batch four. The students had faced academic interruption due to Covid-19 pandemic earlier.

Vice Rector of Villa College Dr. Ali Najeeb asserted on the success of the academic program. He also confirmed of high demand for the program, with heavy enrolment requests. Students are selected based on their qualifications.

He also identified 80 percent of students received formal employment, post completion of their courses, which stands testament to the program's success.

Chairman of Universal Group Mohamed Umar Manik affirms top priority on academic development of students. During his speech, he noted the foundation responsible for supporting several doctoral aspirants - who have progressed to become decorated professionals in their fields.

Universal Foundation launched "Discover Hospitality" initiative with Villa College in 2017. The first batch included a total of 15 students, while in the following year a total of 23 students were selected. In 2019, the batch capacity had increased to 29 students.