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News / FAM

FAM passes committees in 2nd attempt, after failing to meet quorum

At the second meeting held 15 minutes later due to the quorum of the congress not reaching, FAM had established the committees neglected during all this time. The FAM had however, failed to inform the clubs of the congress within the stipulated window.

Aishath Shuba Solih
08 February 2024, MVT 14:21
The second meeting of the FAM congress
Aishath Shuba Solih
08 February 2024, MVT 14:21

It has been revealed to Mihaaru news that FAM’s extraordinary congress held to form the stipulated committees neglected for four long years was being conducted in violation of the procedures in the constitution.

The congress held this morning was initially arranged to be conducted online however, due to the protest of two club refusing online participation and their request to revise the decision, the FAM association had settled on a physical congress as revealed in a statement by association yesterday.

However, a club official speaking to Mihaaru news stated that the decision to hold a physical congress was revealed to the clubs two days ago despite the stipulation in the 3rd Article of the 29th Act in the FAM constitutions that dictates that the location, date and agenda of the special meeting of the congress must be informed to the club at least six days prior to the meeting.

The congress held this morning that was postponed by 15 minutes due to the quorum being unreached had established the committees during the second meeting.

While the committee required 13 clubs to constitute the quorum, 9 were in attendance.

FAM Extra Ordinary Congress

Acting Director General Secretary of FAM, Mohamed Jaushan Shareed said that the 2nd Article of the 24th Act of the FAM Constitution stipulates that if the quorum is unfulfilled, a second meeting may be held within 24 hours which will not require to reach the congress quota.

The 3rd Article of the 24th act also allows the congress to continue without meeting the quota of the congress if the meeting agenda does not consist the deliberation of an election of the executive committee, expulsion of members, and abolition of the FAM.

Some clubs had submitted forms to participate in the congress, including few who had refused to attend the online congress however, FAM said that they had not sent in their request forms during the pre-determined time window.

President of FAM, Bassam Adeel Jaleel had requested to vote for the approval of their forms in the beginning of the second congress. However, no clubs in attendance had voted in compliance.

Jaushan said that as that was not part of the congress, they had consulted the FIFA and AFC delegation sent to observe the congress held at Champa Central Hotel regarding the conduct about the forms submitted at the last minute. In accordance with the representatives' advice, the clubs present at the congress were queried for approval.

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