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209 individuals complete second Khatib training program

The second Khatib training program has been concluded, with 209 individuals having been awarded certificates.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 September 2024, MVT 09:28
Mariyath Mohamed
01 September 2024, MVT 09:28

The second Khatib training program has been concluded, with 209 individuals having been awarded certificates.

A Khatib is a person who delivers the sermon during Friday prayers, as well as Eid prayers.

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Islamic Centre's Chief Imam Mohamed Latheef, Fatwa Majlis Member Ilyas Hussain and State Minister Dr Moosa Anwar presented the certificates at a special ceremony held at the Islamic Centre yesterday.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Shaheem said that over 300 youth have been trained in this program, which is being conducted under directions from President Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

The government aims to train 1000 Khatibs within this term in office. Shaheem expressed confidence that this target could be reached, announcing that the third program will also commence soon.

The program trains individuals to deliver sermons (khutba), leading prayers and other religious training. Along with those having completed schooling, students of Grades 10, 11 and 12 are participating in these programs.