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Athuhar discharged from hospital, taken into custody

Adam Athuhar, the individual who held a woman hostage at knife-point last Thursday, has been placed under arrest today after he was discharged from hospital after receiving treatment.

Mariyath Mohamed
31 August 2024, MVT 12:22
Athuhar, arrested for holding a woman hostage on Thursday night.
Mariyath Mohamed
31 August 2024, MVT 12:22

Adam Athuhar, the individual who held a woman hostage at knife-point last Thursday, has been placed under arrest today after he was discharged from hospital after receiving treatment.

Athuhar was injured in police response to free the hostage, Athuhar's partner, during Thursday night's stand off. He received treatment for his injuries at ADK Hospital and was released yesterday.

Police took him into custody then, but had to re-hospitalize him last night to further monitor his condition when he began vomiting. Police then took him to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital.

IGMH discharged Athuhar this morning.

"He is now in police custody," Police confirmed today.

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