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Transport Ministry to enforce towing of vehicles parked at street corners in Male'

The Transport Ministry has announced plans to tow vehicles parked at street corners in Male' and impose penalties on offenders.

Anaan Bushry
15 August 2024, MVT 18:52
Vehicles in Male' City Photo - Mihaaru
Anaan Bushry
15 August 2024, MVT 18:52

The Transport Ministry has announced plans to tow vehicles parked at street corners in Male' and impose penalties on offenders.

During a press conference today, Transport Minister Mohamed Ameen emphasized the need to stop vehicles from parking at street corners, revealing that the ministry will take strict measures against such violations.

To address the issue, the ministry will mark street corners with red lines.

The minister stated that enforcement actions against illegal parking in these areas will begin next week.

"It's a matter of public safety. People are parking right at the corners without considering the consequences," he remarked.

In response to the increasing problem of vehicles, especially cars and pickup trucks, being parked on streets and sidewalks and obstructing pedestrians, the Male' City Council has started installing bollards to deter parking on sidewalks.

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