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HDC to introduce food trucks in Hulhumale'

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has announced for those interested in running food trucks in Hulhumale' to send in expressions of interest (EOI).

Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 13:01
Huts placed at the beach area nearby the Hiya Flats in Phase 2, Hulhuamle'. -- Photo: HDC
Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 13:01

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has announced for those interested in running food trucks in Hulhumale' to send in expressions of interest (EOI).

In the announcement by HDC, they said that the food trucks will be run on a fixed fee model, but allows for EOIs based on other models to be submitted as well.

If more than one application is received, HDC will opt for one which can implement the service in accordance with the corporation's master plan.

As per the announcement, food trucks will be operated in 12 locations in Hulhumale'.

This includes the ferry terminal, STO Hotel area, Central Park, Fehires Park, Water Theme Park, Football Stadium area, Fahiveni Community Centre and HDC Head Office.

In addition to these, food trucks will also be operated near Rehendhi School, Redbull Park, Ruhgan'du 1 and Ruhgan'du 2.

The food trucks must be designed as outlined in the model shared with HDC's announcement. The food sold from these trucks must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines set by the Health Protection Agency.

HDC has also compiled a set of guidelines to operate the trucks, and includes fines for failing to abide by them. If the guidelines are contravened, a fine between MVR 5000 and 50,000 can be levied.

HDC is also currently working on setting up kiosks in Hulhumale' Phase 2.

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