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MTCC to begin boat building services

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) CEO Abdulla Ziyad has said last night that the company will be commencing boat building services in the near future.

Mariyath Mohamed
18 July 2024, MVT 14:25
MTCC CEO Ziyad speaking at the AGM.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
18 July 2024, MVT 14:25

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) CEO Abdulla Ziyad has said last night that the company will be commencing boat building services in the near future.

Responding to a question from a shareholder at MTCC's Annual General Meeting held last night, Ziyad said that work on the boat repair yard is currently nearing completion. He said that once that work is completed, the company aims to commence boat building services as well.

"The hope is to be a boat building company by the time year's Annual General Meeting is held," he said.

Ziyad said that in addition to this, work beneficial to the company which were initiated by the previous government will also be continued without interruption.

"We did not dismiss the former management's plans. The former management planned to do dredging work, and to broaden various construction related work. In that way, what the former management has done for the benefit of this company, we will continue those efforts without bringing them to a halt," Ziyad said.

He announced that MTCC has been organizing arrangements to commence boat building work, adding that a feasibility study has been done with the assistance of technical experts, as has been stated in the company's 2023 annual report.

As per the report, work is ongoing to increase the capacity of the boat yard that has provided docking services to 222 vessels to be able to provide service to 2000 tonne boats.

The boatyard has also been renamed from MTCC Boat Yard to MTCC Ship Yard.

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