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Secret of success; sound leadership policies says Abdul Raheem

Mohamed Rehan
08 November 2023, MVT 14:01
PNC Chairperson Abdul Raheem Abdulla who led the opposition coalition's campaign efforts to elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu for presidency-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
08 November 2023, MVT 14:01

The Chairperson of People's National Congress (PNC) and one of the key figures behind the opposition coalition's success in the 2023 presidential election, Abdul Raheem Abdulla has credited Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's presidential win to the exceptional camaraderie of the coalition's leadership.

Abdul Raheem, who is also the Director General of Transition said this during a special interview given to Mihaaru News on Tuesday, November 7.

While speaking about the events that transpired ahead of the presidential election, Abdul Raheem highlighted the coalition experienced significant dispute between its leadership and former President Abdulla Yameen. The Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and PNC coalition decided to field a unified candidate but Yameen called out to boycott the election. The coalition's members, including those in the leadership, were against Yameen's request for a boycott.

Recalling the period, Abdul Raheem said he had to individually meet with the disputed members in a bid to rally them together. He said this was necessary to unify the objective of the leadership.

"The end result of that was the outcome of this election. This is the result of a unified leadership. After PNC declared Dr. Mohamed Muizzu as the party's candidate, both parties decided to work together to ensure his election," Abdul Raheem said.

"Amid this commotion, I did not sleep properly for at least six or so nights."

He said the entire senate ran out options when Yameen requested to boycott the election, which was felt by the coalition's leadership as well.

"But the members of the leadership chose the nation. I received the leadership's support, and we did not make any decisions without discussions," Abdul Raheem said.

Speaking about the turbulent times amid the presidential campaigning, Abdul Raheem said the biggest contentment for him was the trust and respect he got from the leadership's members. Instead of arguing in front him, the members chose exemplary conduct, he said.

"Everyone acknowledged and accepted my advise and opinion. I would say that this achievement is because of our commitment, patience and wisdom," the former Fonadhoo MP said.