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Plots issued from unreclaimed areas should be cancelled: MP Abbas

Abbas raised concerns about the regulations that allow Malé residents to receive free land from any reclaimed lagoon near the Malé area. He questioned why this rule does not apply to other atolls.

Malika Shahid
19 August 2024, MVT 14:45
Velidhoo MP Mohamed Abbas -- Photo: Parliament
Malika Shahid
19 August 2024, MVT 14:45

Velidhoo MP Mohamed Abbas has called for the cancellation of land plots issued by the previous administration after reclaiming lagoons in the Malé area.

During today's parliamentary debate on the Infrastructure Plan Bill, Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) MP Abbas criticized the previous government for allocating land “from wherever,” asserting that the practice was against the law.

Abbas questioned why the current administration is proceeding as though the land allocations were made properly. He added that these awards should be revoked.

"I have read the law from one end to the other, and there is no provision for issuing land from lagoon areas or unreclaimed territories. The land distributed from these areas should be cancelled. There is still time to correct this," he said.

Abbas raised concerns about the regulations that allow Malé residents to receive free land from any reclaimed lagoon near the Malé area. He questioned why this rule does not apply to other atolls, arguing that all land given under these conditions should be invalidated.

He suggested that lagoon reclamation in the Malé area should be prioritized only after resources have been allocated to other islands. Otherwise, the islands will become depopulated and Malé City will face increased congestion, MP Abbas said.

MP Abbas emphasized that people are not moving from the islands to Malé City because it is easier to live there, but because previous governments have focused on reclaiming new lagoons in the Malé area instead of developing the islands.

Previously, Housing Minister Dr Ali Haider had stated that the previous government had allocated land from unreclaimed ocean and lagoon areas and added that these could not be considered land at all.

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