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Car overturned in dangerous accident in Addu

Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 11:34
Accident in Addu City today
Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 11:34

A dangerous accident occurred in Addu City today, resulting in a car being overturned in the crash.

Police said that the accident occurred around 06:15 hrs this morning, near the Addu City Council offices, at the junction of Medheaari Magu and Sharafuddeen Magu.

Two cars driving at speed collided, resulting in one car being overturned on impact.

No persons were injured in the accident.

Both vehicles involved received major damage, according to the police.

Both drivers of the cars, a man and woman, held valid driving licenses as per police.

Police are conducting further investigations into the accident.

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