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Authorities intervene Lanka expats protest against Maldives Government

Mohamed Rehan
13 July 2022, MVT 23:24
Sri Lankan expatriates calling out to send Gotabaya Rajapaksa back to home country-- Photo: Nishan Ali/Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
13 July 2022, MVT 23:24

Local law enforcement authorities have intervened protest attempts by Sri Lankan's residing in Maldives.

On Wednesday, July 13, Sri Lankan expatriates rallied to voice their frustration over Maldivian government providing sanctuary to embattled President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Rajapaksa, who had earlier promised to step down on Wednesday, had however, fled to the Maldives in secrecy.

A military aircraft that had carried him along with his wife made the landing in Velana International Airport (VIA) sometime around 03:00 am on Wednesday.

According to CNN, the flight had initially faced refusal for landing from the air-traffic controller in VIA, which was overturned after the intervention of Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed.

On Wednesday afternoon, close to 100 Sri Lankan expatriates rallied near the "Diamond Jubilee Carnival" area in Henveiru district.

The protesters demand from Maldivian government to send Gotabaya Rajapaksa back to Sri Lanka.

A media correspondent from "Mihaaru" who was present on site reports authorities had confiscated the banners and Sri Lankan flags used by the protesters before they were sent off.

"It was a peaceful protest, they had dispersed the rally almost immediately after authorities demand them to do so," the reporter comments.

A few locals had attempted to enter the mob, which was interrupted by the authorities present at the site.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who fled to the Maldives is reportedly residing in Waldorf Astoria; a prominent tourist resort in the island nation.

Despite making the announcement earlier of stepping down from presidency on July 13, Rajapaksa has not made the official renouncement of his designation.

However, he has since transferred all governing authorities under Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and is recently reported of preparing to leave for Singapore after receiving asylum approval from the country.

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