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Civil Service Regulation opened for public comment

Civil Service Commission has opened up for public comments to the Civil Service Regulation in efforts to further strengthen and streamline their services.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 21:17
civil servants / transport ministry
Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 21:17

Civil Service Commission has opened up for public comments to the Civil Service Regulation in efforts to further strengthen and streamline their services.

In an announcement made by the commission today, they said that it is their target to improve State services provided through the civil service, and to adopt modern technology to speed up services.

In order to achieve this, they are currently working on amending the Civil Service Regulation. As such, they have opened a window for submission of comments from the Civil Servants and the general public until August 31.

The announcement said that suggestions to improve their services can be sent to the commission or emailed to [email protected]

The regulations can be viewed on the commission's website.

The commission said that they have always given importance to protecting employee rights, establishing convenient ways of running offices, and setting up efficient systems to oversee employee related issues.

While Civil Service Commission has appealed for public comments, there has always been public dissatisfaction regarding the work of the civil service. In light of this, the Civil Service Regulation has been amended a number of times. However, this is the first time that the regulation has been opened up for public comment.

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