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Malé City Council spokeperson under investigation over inflammatory tweet

Lamya Abdulla
04 February 2023, MVT 19:04
Spokesperson of Male' City Counicl Mariyam Shiuna -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
04 February 2023, MVT 19:04

A tweet made by the Spokesperson for Malé City Council, Mariyam Shiuna, calling to change President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's government by all means, "even with bloodshed," is being investigated by the Maldives Police Service.

The police confirmed on Thursday evening that a tweet from the Twitter handle "Nannazeev" had been brought to their attention and that they were following due procedure in investigating the matter.

"People need to come out with force and end this administration," Shiuna said in the beginning of her tweet, and then went on to accuse President Solih of committing atrocities against Muslims every day, adding that "he needs to be brought down to earth."

"It is not enough to tweet. We have change it even with bloodshed," her tweet said.

The tweet, originally posted on Thursday morning, has now been deleted.

Inciting terrorism is a criminal offence under the Anti-Terrorism Act. People who post inflammatory remarks on social media have been penalised in the past.