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Police deny entering woman’s bathroom during shower

Police assured that no bathroom doors were broken into during the operation, and body cameras were not used.

Malika Shahid
31 July 2024, MVT 15:38
Police wearing a body worn camera
Malika Shahid
31 July 2024, MVT 15:38

Police have denied rumors circulating on social media that they forcefully entered a bathroom of a house in Hithadhoo, Addu City while a woman was taking a shower.

In a statement, the police clarified that a house in Hithadhoo was searched yesterday under a court order related to a drug case.

Police entered the apartment by breaking the lock after repeated requests to open the door were ignored. They also used force to access two rooms when the doors were not opened.

"There was a woman in one of the rooms who had just come out of the shower. The police closed the door and allowed [the woman] to dress and leave the room," the statement said.

Police assured that no bathroom doors were broken into during the operation, and body cameras were not used.

They added that a review of the use of force would be conducted in accordance with the procedures in place.

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