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Minister Faisal reflects on father’s political success

Ameera Osmanagic
23 May 2024, MVT 21:48
Special Advisor to the President and MP-Elect of Fonadhoo constituency Abdul Raheem Abdulla (R) who has been appointed as the Speaker of the 20th Parliament with his son Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal (L) -- Photo: Fayaaz Moosa/ Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
23 May 2024, MVT 21:48

Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal took to social media to express his admiration and reflect on the political success of his father, Special Advisor to the President and MP-Elect of Fonadhoo constituency, Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey), who has been appointed as the Speaker of Parliament today.

Minister Faisal took to Facebook to share his emotions and said that he is proud of what his father has achieved after living in the direst conditions. Describing Abdul Raheem as an extraordinary person, Minister Faisal shared that his father, coming from humble roots, moved to Malé seeking education at a young age where he worked as house help and endured many difficulties.

He built a family during his youth, went to work, and faced rejection when he applied for the island advancement committee to serve his island and atoll. However, he did not let that stop him, and proceeded with a strong will and determination, the minister wrote.

He shared how his father took encouragement from the rejection and continued to serve the country, only to be falsely accused of a crime under political motivations.

"While serving his country and obediently saying yes to his superiors, working 24 hours round the clock, he was accused of theft and exiled for saying no just once. Even from the days when his children were left with their mother in vulnerability, my father used the experience to learn a lesson," he wrote.

Faisal credited Abdul Raheem being elected as MP of Fonadhoo constituency back in 2009 to his father’s political knowledge. He also shared how his father would have been affected by mockery and backstabbing of ill-wishers, and expressed how he and his siblings were also once affected by such incidents.

He said that previous parties such as Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), People’s Alliance (PA) and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and their leaders are now a thing of the past and that the steps his father took during the 2023 Presidential Elections were taken to save the country.

“My father took the brave step to enter President Dr Muizzu to the presidential race to bring success to the then opposition Progressive Party of Maldives/People's National Congress (PPM/PNC) coalition and to save the party and [this] country from the deceitful plans to boycott the election. That is a brave action not many can take,” Minister Faisal wrote proudly about his father adding that because of Abdul Raheem’s decisions, the entire country is experiencing happiness.

“I don’t know how to express how proud [I am] as the eldest son to experience [my] father’s success during this happy moment,” he concluded describing Abdul Raheem’s appointment as Parliament Speaker of the upcoming 20th Parliament as a proud moment for the entire Laamu atoll.