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Shamha breaks 5000 meter record once again after 2 weeks

Shamha has made record time during her 5000 meter Grefrath Railway Open Race of 19 minutes and 41.86, breaking her own record made two weeks ago. She achieved third place in her age group this race.

Aishath Shuba Solih
05 May 2024, MVT 10:10
Shamha Ahmed.
Aishath Shuba Solih
05 May 2024, MVT 10:10

Competing in the Long Distance Championship held in Wassenberg of Germany, Maldives' Shamha Ahmed has broken the 5000 meter record once again.

Shamha, who lives in Germany had broken the record at this same event two weeks back as well.

Breaking the 19 minute, 42.45 second record she made on March 17 with 19 minutes and 41.86 seconds yesterday, Shamha soared past Aminath Jaisha Juneez who previously held the record in Germany's Grefrath Railway Open 5000 meter race.

April 17 marked the first instance Shamha made a record at this event. The former record holder, Jaisha had held a time of 19 minutes and 43.09 seconds recorded during the National Competition held on September 2022.

Shamha Ahmed.

Shamha had taken home third place in the age group she contested in and triumphed second place in the race she sprinted on April 17.

Moreover, the runner had also sprinted faster than the previously kept Maldivian record in the 10,000 meter mixed event race held on April 21. However, this time was not considered a record-breaker as the event was mixed.

The 10,000 meter Maldives record is presently kept by Maryam Abdul Kareem (Mary), who had made a time of 44 minutes and 7 seconds while contesting in the Gold Coast Marathon held in Australia.

Shamha finished the race held in Sulzberg, Germany on April 21 with a record of 40 minutes and 18.49 seconds.

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