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New strategic plan will focus on police decentralisation: CP Shujau

Police Commissioner Ali Shujau said that the new police strategic plan will focus on an facilitate the decentralisation efforts of Maldives Police Service

Ameera Osmanagic
05 June 2024, MVT 19:07
Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau -- Photo: Nishaan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
05 June 2024, MVT 19:07

The newly launched four year strategic plan of Maldives Police Service (MPS) will focus on decentralising the services of the agency, said Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau today.

The strategic plan, which was announced today by Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusan in a special ceremony held at Iskandharu Koshi, Malé, focuses on five key areas with the objective of overall improvement in the agency's services.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner Ali Shujau said that decentralisation of MPS's services is already in motion, in line with the Police Act. He went on to say that the aim of decentralising its services is to work more closely with the public and that this is highly prioritised in the strategic plan as well.

"Therefore, some of the things we have identified for decentralisation will be implemented in a very orderly manner under this plan, over the next four years," he said.

Shujau also added that its decentralisation effort will include stakeholder participation including island councils and city councils.

Additionally, many deciding powers currently reserved for Malé - the capital where police's headquarters is based in - will also be transferred to regional commands located throughout the country, he revealed, adding that MPS will become a model agency in the implementation of the governments decentralisation policies.

According to Homeland Security Ministry, the plan will focus on five key areas including:

- Eliminating crime and fear associated with crime

- Strengthening the relationship between police and society

- Upgrading the physical infrastructure, technology and other facilities to improve the service of MPS

- Review and improve internal departments, systems, process, regulations, policies and procedures of MPS, and

- Make MPS an agency which provides transparent, professional services and one that is entirely accountable.