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MPs dissatisfied with Aasandha's refusal to provide details of unpaid dues

The public accounts committee were dissatisfied with Aasandha's refusal to provide details relating to the dues owed by the institution and decided to request for the information again.

Ameera Osmanagic
31 July 2024, MVT 09:09
The public accounts committee of the parliament -- Photo: Parliament
Ameera Osmanagic
31 July 2024, MVT 09:09

Members of the Parliament's Public Accounts Committee have expressed their dissatisfaction over Aasandha's refusal to disclose details of dues owed by the institution to various parties, despite being notified by the committee to do so.

The committee requested by National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) and Aasandha, the national health insurance system of the country to provide details of its unpaid dues.

In response, Aasandha wrote to the committee and said that it is difficult to provide details of individual companies which it has to pay, but that they can provide the total amount owed to the private and public sector.

Speaking on the matter, Public Accounts Committee member and MP of Hanimaadhoo constituency Abdul Ghafoor Moosa (Gapo) said that there is no reason why Aasandha should refuse to provide the details when asked by the committee and that the specific details must be provided to them.

"They can provide the details after declaring the information as classified. It is at our discretion to reveal or not reveal [the information] even. Giving an excuse to not provide the details is not up to them. I propose to get a warrant to get the information," he said.

Deputy Speaker of the parliament and MP of Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Nazim also agreed that the information requested by the committee must be provided and that the parliament can do things to improve the situation of Aasandha.

He said he wants to understand why Aasandha has to pay local hospitals in large amounts and the amounts Aasandha has to pay for the centre being built in collaboration with local and foreign hospitals.

"We need accurate information about this. What is the expenses that go towards facilities established in Maldives in collaboration with foreign hospitals? What are the fees owed to those places. We have been informed that millions of dollars are owed for the heart centre in IGMH as well," he said.

He went on to say that there is no point of hiding these details and that the information needs to be revealed.

"Now if we are spending more on these places than we would if we were to buy a hospital abroad, then we need to look into this and see what is the best way [forward]," he added.

MP of Baarah constituency Ibrahim Shujau also spoke on the matter and said that the previous government is accused of committing the biggest theft through Aasandha.

"The Finance Minister came and expressed the biggest concern and said that this is the area that needs to be reformed at the earliest. There are talks that medical mafia are exerting their influence in this. The President believes that people will have to use medicine used by the Europeans to close the doors leading to this,” he said.

Following discussions at the committee level, it was decided to inform Aasandha to provide the details again.

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