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Tree Top Hospital proceeds a blood donation campaign to celebrate sixth anniversary

On occasion of their sixth anniversary, Tree Top Hospital has held a blood donation campaign on Sunday and Monday this week. The hospital stated that excess blood drawn during the campaign will be donated to health service centers.

Aishath Shuba Solih
24 April 2024, MVT 06:35
An employee donating blood during the blood donation campaign proceeded by the Tree Top Hospital.
Aishath Shuba Solih
24 April 2024, MVT 06:35

Tree Top Hospital Maldives has stated that a blood donation campaign was heldd on occasion of the hospital's sixth anniversary.

The hospital revealed that this campaign which was held on Sunday and Monday this week was launched for the purpose of alleviating the challenges faced by patients receiving treatments at the hospital as well as the community in procuring blood. The hospital highlighted that this activity launched under the hospital's corporate social responsibility themes had garnered much praise from their management and employees.

An individual donating blood during the blood donation campaign proceeded by the Tree Top Hospital.

Tree Top disclosed that more blood than the amount essential for the hospital operations was drawn during the campaign and revealed that they have decided to donate the excess blood to health service centers.

The hospital assured that they give precedence to progressing the tradition of social responsibility and encourage activities that will benefit the community as whole.

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