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Parliament sitting adjourned as no members participated in debate

Today's Parliament sitting was adjourned due to no parliamentarians applying to speak in the debate.

Mariyath Mohamed
05 August 2024, MVT 10:19
Members in the parliament floor -- Photo: Parliament
Mariyath Mohamed
05 August 2024, MVT 10:19

Today's Parliament sitting was adjourned due to no parliamentarians applying to speak in the debate.

First on today's agenda was posing questions to Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Dr Ali Haidar Ahmed. The questions for the Minister was submitted by opposition Maldivian Democratic Party MP for North Galolhu Mohamed Ibrahim (Kudu). However, the Minister was unable to attend today's sitting, citing family responsibility.

Speaker Abdul Raheem Abdulla announced that posing questions to Dr Haidar will be rescheduled to a later date.

Next on the agenda was presenting and debating on two audit reports which were researched by the Public Accounts Committee.

Public Accounts Committee Chair MP Gasim Ibrahim first presented the audit report from 2016 to 2020 of the Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM).

The Speaker announced that a duration of one hour has been allocated for debate on this report, and asked for members who wished to speak in the debate to request for time. The announcement was met with zero responses.

Gasim then presented the Family Protection Authority's audit report from 2016 to 2020. Once again, no members applied to participate in the debate on this report.

Despite no members wanting to participate in the debate, fifty MPs were in attendance during today's sitting, with only two on leave.

The Speaker then decided to adjourn the sitting.

He announced that although votes are usually taken at 13:30 hrs, vote on these two reports will be taken at 11:00 hrs today.

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