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Police officer also harmed in hostage rescue efforts: Police Commissioner Shujau

Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau has said that the officer involved in rescuing the woman in Thursday's hostage incident had managed to save her and the suspect from serious injury through sustaining injuries to his own self instead.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 September 2024, MVT 13:01
Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
01 September 2024, MVT 13:01

Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau has said that the officer involved in rescuing the woman in Thursday's hostage incident had managed to save her and the suspect from serious injury through sustaining injuries to his own self instead.

Speaking at the Maldives Police Service Day ceremony, CP Shujau said that police officers and their families accept that an officer's work involves risk.

"No media has so far made mention of the fact that the police officer sustained injuries from the sharp weapon held by the hostage taker as they fell from the motorcycle. The injuries to his fingers are the reason why the suspect was saved from serious damage," Shujau said.

Police Service Day.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Thursday night's hostage situation where a man held at woman at knifepoint had been the result of escalation in a lovers' spat over rent issues. The suspect, Adam Athuhar, who does not work, had reacted in anger and violence when his partner had refused to continue paying rent for their shared accommodation.

The fight had escalated, with Athuhar holding the woman hostage with a knife to her throat. He attempted to climb behind the woman on a motorcycle and have her drive away. With crowds gathering on the street, the motorcycle paused, at which time police intercepted and hit Ahuthar with a baton.

In retaliation, Athuhar had attempted to slash the woman's throat, but had been unsuccessful with the motorcycle toppling, and police intervening. The woman was not seriously injured in the incident.

Police Service Day.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Shujau asserted that every police officer aimed each day to provide protection to the people. He said that he accepts that in this work, the Police will receive both praise and criticism.

He said that he understands that in this age of technology, Police, too, will have many cameras aimed at them. Police aspires to ensure that footage caught on these cameras show modern, professional policing, he said.

The Commissioner highlighted that with the changes in crimes, and to protect society from criminal groups and illegal narcotics, policing efforts need to be further strengthened.

He said that the public accepts the Police's efforts to build a crime-free environment.

Police Service Day is marked on the anniversary of the Police Service being established as an independent, civil body. This was done during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's administration, on September 1, 2004.

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