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Saudi Ambassador Receives Red Carpet Welcome at Islamic Ministry

Rabeeha Amir
30 November 2023, MVT 08:26
Rabeeha Amir
30 November 2023, MVT 08:26

The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the Maldives, Matrek Abdullah Al-Ajalin Aldosari, was greeted with a red carpet welcome during his visit to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

Arriving at the Ministry today, the Ambassador was warmly received by Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem, accompanied by ministry staff.

During the courtesy visit, Minister Shaheem acknowledged the close relationship between the Maldives and Saudi Arabia, emphasizing Saudi Arabia's status as the top contributor of Islamic aid to the Maldives.

The Minister highlighted Saudi Arabia's significant contributions, including providing free education to local clerics, constructing mosques and Islamic centers at no cost, and extending generous assistance to pilgrims and Umrah participants.

The Minister acknowledged the establishment of a Saudi embassy in the Maldives and the commencement of direct flights between the two nations.

The new government is cultivating strong relationships with Saudi Arabia, evident from President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's meeting with the ambassador before assuming office.

Initially scheduled for Saudi Arabia, the President's inaugural foreign visit was rescheduled, leading to his recent official journey to Turkey.

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